Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fathers' day @ the park

Posted by Double Y at 9:33 AM
In honor of the fathers and would be fathers in our circle of friends, we celebrated this one special day at the park.

Funny, we had the park to ourselves! Imagine that!

We feasted on Pinoy dishes as usual..

Then after lunch, while the kids play, armed with their..


Wait.. look closer.. thats not the kids! That's Sarah on Jong's bike and Kara on Dallas' barbie bike! LOL

Dallas on top of the tree!

the adults gets to relax or should I say Chillax as Sarah puts it.. inside the tent! LOL

ah... sweet!

And to end our day.. we let our inner camwhores free!

Tophs as usual! :P

Yellow was the color of the day!

It was one fun afternoon indeed!

Saturday is poker night at our place!See you there!!

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