Anyway, back to the topic. Jamz have been pitching the idea of us getting Nintendo DS, Mig has one already and he wanted to be able to play wifi games via the DS. I just didn't like the idea of me carrying a portable game console in my bag, I feel I am a bit too old for that. And besides, we have the Nintendo Wii and Sony PS3 at home plus Jamz has two PSP ( yup, he has two!) which I can borrow anytime. I see no point in adding more gadgets. But then I saw one of those DS commercials on tv where they were showing two actresses ( dont know their names) playing Mystery Suspect: MillionHeir, I changed my mind and told Jamz I wanted one that minute! I thought since we will be leaving for PH soon, it would be nice if I can play the Millionheir while on the plane!
My mom and I have been playing the Mystery Suspect series when I was in PH. I remember having to install a cracked version of it in my work laptop, so that everytime I have free time I get to play even when Im at work. It is soo addictive, its a good past time.
So Jamz searched for a deal for a DS. He was able to find two Nintendo DS lite, a red one and a blue one. Both brand new, and the seller even included a TTDS (top toy DS) cartridge and Spore Creatures cartridge.
A TTDS, is an emulator. Its PSP's version of modding. While in PSP you have to mod your console so that you can play pirated games via memory card, the TTDS is a cartridge with a slot for mini SD memory card. You can download games from TTDS sites (for free,) I get my games from Now I have, Diner Dash, Cake Mania, Some Mario games, Trauma Center, MillionHeir,Brain Age, etc.
Here's a video on how the DSTT/TTDS works..
For less than $50.00, you get to play lots of games in your DS without having to pay at least $20.00 per cartridge. Its like one of those, 100 in 1 cartridges in Game boy.
We spent our whole Sunday playing DS games.