Saturday, September 1, 2007

My miracle

Posted by Double Y at 6:12 PM
Friday, I decided not to go to work and meet up with your dad instead. We had lunch at a family friend's house and they served us seafoods. I ate so much that I had tummy ache. I thought it was just your way of saying thank you for feeding you. I was scheduled to go visit the doctor the following day, but then your dad decided to bring me to her already since my tummy was still hard after four hours. The doctor told me that she can't hear you breathing, so she asked me to go to the delivery room so that she can hook my tummy to a heart monitor. I was asked to remove my jewelry and leave my bag to your grandma and I told them to wait for me. After few minutes, the doctor told me that she can't hear you still, and that she needs to perform an emergency caesarean section to get you out. I was scared, I was worried that youre not ok. I told myself, I had to do this, I had to be brave for you and that everything will be ok and Ill be able to hold you in my arms soon.

6:12pm September 1, 2000, I heard your first cry. I was happy to see you but I was so tired to hold you. I overheard the doctor saying,that they have to put you in the incubator for 24 hours for monitoring. I was asked to wait in my room. A day passed and you're still not with me. The pedia told us there is something wrong with your blood, that they have to do a blood transfusion and that you need a respirator to help you breathe. The doctor even advised us to have you baptized. We were so scared that we might loose you, but we never gave up. Whenever I see a mother holding her baby, I can't help but cry, I can only see you behind the glass, I wanted to hold you in my arms. My birthday came, and they told me that I can finally hold you, they asked me to feed you but I can't bring you home yet. Another week, they said. And finally, you went home. The doctor said you are clear from that infection and that you are in perfect health. It was a miracle, a miracle that never ceased to amaze me until now. There are no signs of that infection. No one can actually tell that I almost lost you. That was the happiest day of my life.

You are my little miracle Nico.Happy 7th birthday baby, I love you.

You'll always be my baby even if you told me you're "not a baby anymore".


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