Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Two years....

Posted by Double Y at 12:10 AM
It's officially been two years since we decided to TTC ( trying to conceive). So far we haven't been lucky yet. I have been into three IUI ( intrauterine insemination) sessions, one of which got me to celebrate the 4th of July weekend at the hospital.

TTC for us people who have problems conceiving is not for the weak of hearts. Some even told us that oh, it's the guy's problem, there is something wrong with him, maybe his swimmers are weak, but in our case it's not. As hard it is to accept, I am the one who has the problem. As per my RE ( Reproductive Endocrinologist), I am a fluke, my situation is unique, he can't even figure out what is wrong with me. I didn't have a problem with my 10 year old, I ovulate regularly, my monthly periods are normal. So what is wrong with me? Am I too stressed at work or the stress of conceiving is the killer? My Mom didn't have problems conceiving either, there's 4 of us even.. I guess only time will tell.. For now, we are keeping our hopes up, not giving up instead we are working on it even harder.

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