Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Posted by Double Y at 2:19 AM
Nico will be arriving in few hours and eversince I got his papers fixed, we have been preparing the other room for him. It used to be Mig's room until he decided to live with his Mom, so I moved my stuff and made it into my "semi" walk-in closet.

So from this...

A room that stored my collection:

To this:

Study area:

Welcome notes from his playmates;

I had fun buying stuff for his room. I wanted it to be fun so that he'll sleep on it by himself. I enjoyed buying kiddie bedsheets and towels! It was like as if we're building a nursery except that Nico is 8 years old already! LOL! Anyway, I can't wait for him to see his room!!

See you soon Nico!!

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