Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I got me some Timmies!!

Posted by Double Y at 7:32 PM

Thanks to Jamz.

He went to Ottawa,CA for a week, instead of going I asked him to bring home some Timmies ( Tim Horton's) for me..

I had my first cup of Timmies when I went to Missisauga last year for a training. It was such a hit at the Maritz office that every afternoon, someone would ask us if we wanted some. I have long been a fan of Starbucks but after I tasted Tim Horton's capuccino, I totally said no to Starbucks while we were in Ontario. The capuccino was creamy, tasty and it kinda reminded me of Horlicks!Since then I have been craving for a cup of timmies, too bad they dont have a branch here in CA.

To know more about Tim Horton's you ca visit, http://www.timhortons.com/en/about/index.html..

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